Governance » About Meetings & Sessions

About Meetings & Sessions

Open Sessions
A meeting is open to the public if it is attended by three or more members of a charter school board or a quorum of the board and any public business is discussed or any formal action is taken.


Work Sessions
Work sessions are for discussion only.  No formal actions are taken in work sessions.  The Pinnacle Charter School board will never vote on a motion while it is in a work session.  If the board wants to adopt a motion after discussing it in a work session, it will be presented in an open session.
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule:
August 19
September 16
October 28
November 18
December 16
January 27
February 10
March 17
April 28
May 19
June 23

Procedure for expressing concerns to the board:

The Pinnacle Board and administration seeks to provide the highest quality service to the public and wishes to improve wherever service may be deficient.  Therefore, the administration invites constructive criticism from parents and patrons of the school. Please contact us directly and also take a moment to review the Grievance Policy which helpful to guide you for the most successful and expedient results .  Parents or patrons of the school who wish to express a concerns must follow the procedures.  Click here for the Grievance Policy.