Family Resources » Stay Connected

Stay Connected

Pinnacle has many avenues to keep you informed and connected for your student's education.  Please take a moment to sign up for the following apps.
Titan Lunch

Titan Family Connect! This portal is your source for lunch menus, applying for free and reduced lunch, and paying lunch balances.

To set up your Titan Family Connect, follow the instructions here:



Reachwell(Formly Flyer Connect)! This portal is your source for all school announcements and communicating with individual teachers.  

To set up your Reachwell(Formly Flyer Connect), follow the instructions here:


Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus Parent Portal! This portal is your source for student grades, schedules, attendance records, as well as updating contact information.

To set up your Parent Portal, follow the instructions here:


Facebook Badge

Follow us on Facebook!  We often place important notices and share the wonderful things happening at our schools. 


Contact Us

You are welcome to complete the contact form on our contact page or give us a call at 303-450-3985.  Our Front Office Team will be happy to answer any questions you may have and/or direct you to the right department or staff member.