Current Families » Volunteer


We welcome and encourage family members to become active participants in our school community. Please review the various ways you can become involved within the school:
Damos la bienvenida y alentamos a los miembros de la familia a convertirse en participantes activos en nuestra comunidad. 
Please take a moment to fill out this quick and easy Google Form/ Tome un minuto para llenar este formulario para ser voluntario en nuestra escuela: Volunteer Form '23-'24 School Year


Studies show that parental involvement in a child's education is one of the most important factors in raising student self-esteem and academic achievement; moreover, most experts agree that parental involvement should go beyond attendance at Parent/ Teacher Conferences and Open Houses. We realize, however, that each of our families is unique – with its own priorities, needs, talents, and time constraints -- and therefore, we offer various options for volunteering.  We encourage you to become involved by indicating below your areas of interest and availability.  Your responses may be shared with staff, parent groups, Pinnacle School Board and community members, who are seeking assistance for school related happenings.  Thank you for being an active member of our school community.
Volunteer Needs for Elementary:

Library Assistance
Lunchroom Support
Recess Support

Parent/Teacher Organization Member
School Board Candidate

Help From Home
Artwork for Displays
Cutting out Classroom Materials

Curriculum and Enrichment
Read with Students
Practice Sight Word Flashcards with Students

Box Top Tallies
Organize/Assist with Spaghetti Supper

Classroom Help
Chaperone for Field Trips
Assist Teacher for Classroom Activities (Valentine’s Day, etc…)
Bulletin Board Displays

Special Events
Book Fair
Field Day
Fun Fest
Literacy Night
Picture Day

Middle School Volunteer Needs:

Field Trip Volunteer
Classroom volunteers  (specific to certain teachers' needs)
Building/Materials for Theater Sets
Field Day Volunteers
5K Volunteers
Teacher Appreciation Week Volunteers
Parking lot volunteers
Outdoor Lab volunteers
Career Day Volunteers (sharing their expertise)
High School Volunteer Needs:
Field Trips
Fun Fest
Teacher Appreciation Week
Parking Lot
Career Day
Student Monitor - The Student Monitor is responsible for monitoring the halls during the passing period to lunch, monitoring students in the cafeteria (lunch line, eating, making sure all students have something to eat, etc.), and the halls during the last passing period after all lunches have been taken. The Student Monitor is responsible in maintaining all students in the cafeteria during their lunch period, unless a hall pass is presented. Monitar a los Estudiantes - La responsabilidad sera monitoriar los pasillos antes de empezar la hora de almuerzo, monitoriar a los estudiantes en la cafeteria (linea para el almuerzo, mientras comen, asegurando que todos los estudiantes tengan algo para comer, etc.), y los pasillos despues de que todos hayan pasado a la cafeteria. Tendran que mantener a todos los estudiantes en la cafeteria durante el periodo, a menos que se presente un pase firmado por el personal de la escuela.
Athletics - If you are interested in volunteering for our Athletic Department, we will connect you with our Athletic Director, Nic Troupe. Si esta interesado en ayudar en el Departamento Atletico, lo pondremos en contacto con el Director Atletico, Nic Troupe.
Tutor - The Tutor is responsible for a students or a few students who are in need of additional assistance with a one or more subjects. If you can give at least an hour of your time after school (2:30pm-3:30pm) to assist a few of our students, please let us know what subject(s) you are comfortable with! Tutor - El Tutor es responsable por un alumno o un grupo de alumnos que necesitan ayuda adicional con una o mas materias. Si puede brindar al menos una hora de su tiempo despues de clases (2:30pm-3:30pm) para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes, ¡infórmenos con qué materias se siente cómodo!
Student Life - Volunteers can support various aspects of Student Life, such as: prom/school dances, clubs after school, monthly movie nights at the Event Center, etc. Vida Estudiantil - Los voluntarios podran apoyar diversos aspectos de la vida estudiantil, como: bailes/prom, graduacion, organizaciones despues de la escuela, noche de cine, etc.

Any community member or family member volunteering at the school must fill out a Volunteer Agreement.  Please contact Yaritza Landa: at [email protected] for more info.  Once a background check is completed, potential volunteers will be notified of their approval. 

  • Communication with your student and the school is very important. We encourage parents and guardians to communicate with their students' teachers via email or phone, dialing the specific teachers' extensions.
  • You do not have to wait until the Parent/Teacher Conference Days to conference with your student's teacher(s). Email and call them to schedule an appointment.
  • Communicate with your students about what they learn each day as well and inquire about homework assignments, future projects, and special events. This will demonstrate that you feel education is important.
  • Give your feedback online. Tell us what you like or suggest what you would like to see done differently.

Parents can participate in their student's education in many ways that fit even the busiest schedules. Participation can be in different forms:
  • Attend special events and field trips. This can be very rewarding for both students and parents.
  • Find volunteer needs that can be done from your own home by checking with your student's teacher or the school newsletter.
  • Set aside time each day tot talk to your child about his/her day. Ask questions and offer assistance. This can be one of the most valuable ways of participating in your student's education.
  • Check your child's grades online routinely. It is critical to register for an Infinite Campus account to view your child's progress and to check grades and assignments. The Parent Portal gives parents a current view of grades, missing works, and email access to each teacher involved in your child's education. Please visit the following link for more information: Infinite Campus