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Students attending The Pinnacle Charter School are required to participate in State, Charter School Institute, school, and teacher assessments.  The information from assessments allows parents, students, and educators to monitor progress and performance of both individuals and groups of students as well as make decisions regarding the design and implementation of instruction.

Assessment and testing results will be shared with parents and students throughout the year, especially during Parent/Teacher Conferences.  It is important that families understand the testing information and results which are sent home.  Questions about assessment results should be directed to the student's teacher or school administrator.  Please contact the Assessment Department at The Pinnacle for more information.

Why is Testing Information Important for Families?

  • Assessment results can tell parents/guardians about how their student is achieving in comparison to other students in the same grade across the state.
  • Assessment results can tell parents/guardians how much academic growth their student has made, or how they have progressed academically both during the school year and through the grades.
  • Results on performance measures, including teacher-made tests, tell parents how well students use and apply what has been learned.
  • Testing information will tell parents/guardians how they can help their students at home.  It can provide information regarding the student's academic strengths, as well as areas where more work is needed.
  • State-mandated assessment programs provide accountability to parents and their community.


Rebecca Sieve
303-450-3985 ext. 1014
[email protected]
Ben Klein
[email protected]